Math for early childhood

Caterpillar Maths and Literacy Games
Caterpillar Maths and Literacy games
A collection of 8 fun games with a cute caterpillar theme for you to print out and play
Literacy games:
1-Cover your caterpillar- Roll the special picture or letter die and cover the letter on your caterpillar. This game can be played to identify initial sounds of pictures or to recognise letters. There are four different version of the game for different letters.
2-Match the CVC word- Choose a caterpillar and a leaf card- if the CVC word matches the picture you keep the pair. How many matching pairs can you find?
3-I spy- A version of Bingo to find the initial letter sound pictures.
4-Find the letter- Spin the Caterpillar spinner and find the letter on your sheet. Will you be the first to trace all of your letters? There are four version of this game for different sets of letters.
Maths games:
1-Make a caterpillar- Roll the special die and add or take away a circle of your caterpillar. Be the first to make your caterpillar but watch out because someone may take a piece of your caterpillar!
2-How many caterpillars- Roll the die and find the number card. Count how many caterpillars you have found on the leaf. The winner is the person who has found the most caterpillars!
3-Add two numbers- Roll two dice and add the numbers together- can you cover all the numbered leaves on your board first?
4-Missing numbers- Be the first to find all the missing numbers on your long caterpillar.
Each game is supplied with full instructions and further ideas for using the materials.
Each game is supplied in full colour and also in black and white so it can be printed out more economically and also photocopied to be sent home with the children.

Number Crayons display- Maths
A bright and colourful set of number crayons-great for displays, flashcards, games etc
This pack has a lovely crayon number line to print out and use around your classroom or educational setting. Each crayon has the number and the number word below it. Numbers from 0-100.
These would make a great display for your classroom. Alternatively they could be used as flashcards when teaching the numerals.
The crayons are in files with three crayons on each A4 page. However you could change your printer settings to print the crayons larger or smaller.
The font used on the crayons is Sassoon Primary Infant which is widely used in Primary schools.

Bakery role play pack + Five Currant Buns number rhyme pack
A bumper pack full of posters, signs, flashcards, pictures and writing opportunites to set up a role play area of a Bakery.
The pack is great for use in the EYFS and also within KS1 and KS2 enabling you to print out the resources again and again.
The pack includes:
· A long colourful banner for the Bakery
· Posters for the bakery to add names to which show who the bakers are that day
· A number line to 20 on various bakery products
· A decorated open and closed sign for your bakery
· Opening times posters- one with times already added and one to add your own opening times
· Posters including ‘queue here’ and ‘Beware hot oven’
· Flashcards of different products for sale in the bakery with words and pictures
· Small word and picture signs to add to the products for sale
· Large colour pictures of different products for sale
· Large black and white images- great for art work
· Large lettering ‘Bakery’ decorated with images of bakery goods
· A colourful Gingerbread man alphabet line
· A number line to 100 on colourful cupcakes
· Bread posters showing different breads for sale etc
· Birthday cake posters showing different choices
· Equipment and ingredients posters
· Price cards with space to add the price or write your own price according to the ability and age of the children
· Special offer posters
· Wedding cake posters
· Colour photo posters with images of bakery displays and goods in a bakery
· Hats to make- 3 different colourful designs and a black hat to design your own
· A ‘Remember to wash your hands’ poster
· Name badges- colourful badges to write the staff names on
Opportunities for writing and mark making:
· A birthday cake order form
· Ingredients order form
· A colour and black and white customer order form with all of the bakery goods
· Decorated shopping lists
· Wedding cake order forms
· Decorated phone messages and note paper
· Blank special offer posters for you to write the offers for that day
· Decorated receipts to write
The posters, signs and pictures will create a motivating and colourful role play area in your setting which will encourage the children to further their vocabulary and language and encourage writing for different purposes.

New Term bumper pack- Multicultural, classroom set
A great set of resources for displaying in your new classroom.

Multicultural number line display
Multicultural number line
This number line has boys and girls each with different hair colour and skin tone and some wearing glasses to promote a diverse environment for your teaching.
A great resource to impress OFSTED!
The resource has one child/number on each A4 page but these can be reduced in size before printing to create a smaller display or create flash cards.
The number line goes from 1 - 50.

NUMICON style resource pack
The pack includes:
Display banner- a long colourful banner for your display
Display border- a colourful themed border to print out as many times as you need for a display board of any size
Flash cards- large Numicon flash cards
Number mat- an A4 sized mat with numbers and number shapes
Challenge cards- Showing numicon shape and a question such as ‘Can you make 5?’
Number bonds- Number bonds to 10 and 20
Worksheets- Various differentiated worksheets for recognising Numicon, number bonds and addition of Numicon
Numicon number peg boards- add number stickers to pegs for children to clip on the correct number shape
Numicon bunting- Numicon themed bunting from 0-20
Numicon die- a Numicon number shape die to make and use for activities
Large number shapes- Large Numicon shapes for flash cards or displays
Numicon fans- a large fan to make for the teacher to use and a smaller fan for children to use
Please note: These are not official Numicon resources but have been created by ourselves to support the scheme.

Outdoor Maths activity pack- EYFS, Foundation Stage, Outdoor Play
This is a bumper pack with loads of resources for Maths games outdoors. The pack would be great for nursery settings, school settings and childminders to use for exciting Maths activities in the outdoor area.
Also great for Maths games in the classroom.
The pack includes:
40 A5 sized task and activity cards - each with the area of maths covered in that activity such as number ordering, shape, size ect, the resources needed for that activity and the activity in detail and questions to further the learning. The cards also have space for you to write further notes such as the stepping stones/ specific learning objectives, focus children for the activity etc
Also in the pack are all the resources you will need to print out and use with activity cards such as:
Large colourful number footprints
Monster number footprints
Dice to make for the games
Ladybirds and spots for a fun game
Frog masks for singing number rhymes
Numbered lily pads
Colourful patterned socks
Number cards
Large coloured number digit cards
colourful numbered snake pieces
Plus lots lots more!

Outdoor learning bundle- Outdoor Play EYFS, Literacy, Numeracy
Three great packs for enhancing your outdoor learning environment in the Early Years.

Brown Bear, Brown Bear - Story, Maths and Literacy activities
This pack is great to use with the book ‘Brown bear, brown bear, what do you see?’
It contains four centers and activities for story retelling and learning colors.
Ten build a sentences worksheets to read, write and make the sentences
Color clip cards
Count and trace Maths center
Initial sounds Literacy center
Label the bear- two versions
Read and color- two versions
Repeating patterns Maths center
Upper and lower case letters Literacy center
Color sequencing cards

Number Rhyme activity pack 2- four popular counting rhymes- sausages, astronauts, monkeys, ten bed
A fun pack with activities and props for singing four popular number rhymes:
1- Ten fat sausages sizzling in the pan:
Counting book to use when singing the rhyme
Individual number lines to 10 and 20
A collecting sausages game
A sausage number line to 20
Singing props
Colouring picture
Rhyme card
2- Five little monkeys
Counting book to use when singing the rhyme
Individual number lines to 10 and 20
A monkey face mask
A monkey number line to 20
Singing props
A board game with three sets of differentiated addition game cards
Colouring picture
Rhyme card
3- Five little astronauts
Counting book to use when singing the rhyme
Individual number lines to 10 and 20
Missing number cards- 20 different cards to write the number or add the astronaut number card
An astronaut number line to 20
Singing props
A large moon and rocket and space men for display
Rocket pattern matching pairs game
An astronaut face mask
Colouring picture
Rhyme card
4- Ten in the bed
Counting book to use when singing the rhyme
Individual number lines to 10 and 20
Build a bear dice game
A teddy bear number line to 20
Teddy bear colour matching pairs game
Singing props
Colouring picture
Rhyme card

Christmas resources for Early Years, Childminders, Pre-school
A bumper pack of Christmas teaching resources
Specially designed for younger pre-school children
Lots of maths, literacy, games, craft activities etc to keep the children busy for hours!
The pack contains over 200 sheets to print.
Activities in the pack include:
Happy Christmas bunting to print and colour
Simple colour jigsaws to cut and reassemble
Number ordering jigsaws to colour and order
Initial letter sheets
Number playdough mats up to 10
Activity playdough mats
Colour by numbers sheets with numbers up to 5
Christmas themed colour posters to display in your setting
Simple cutting skills sheets
Simple tracing sheets to practice pencil control
Various games to print and play
Lots of craft sheets such as face mask, 3D models to make, decorations to make
Christmas themed reward charts
Plus lots lots more!